1. Nested Iterator

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class NestedIterator:
    def __init__(self, nestedList: [NestedInteger]):
        self._integers = []
        self._position = -1
        def flatten_list(nested_list):
            for integer in nested_list:
                if integer.isInteger():
    def next(self) -> int:
        self._position += 1
        return self._integers[self._position]

    def hasNext(self) -> bool:
        return (self._position + 1) < len(self._integers)
  1. Simplify Path

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class Solution:
    def simplifyPath(self, path: str) -> str:
        stack = []
        for portion in path.split("/"):
            if portion == "..":
                if stack:
            elif portion == "." or not portion:

        final_str = "/" + "/".join(stack)
        return final_str
  1. Create the SQL System

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class Table:
    def __init__(self, name, columns):
        self.name = name
        self.row_inserted = 0
        self.rows = {}

class SQL:

    def __init__(self, names: List[str], columns: List[int]):
        self.tables = {}
        for name in names:
            self.tables[name] = Table(name, columns)

    def insertRow(self, name: str, row: List[str]) -> None:
        self.tables[name].row_inserted +=1
        #Initialize he row 

    def deleteRow(self, name: str, rowId: int) -> None:
        del self.tables[name].rows[rowId]

    def selectCell(self, name: str, rowId: int, columnId: int) -> str:
        return self.tables[name].rows[rowId][columnId-1]
  1. Excel System
["SQL", "insertRow", "selectCell", "insertRow", "deleteRow", "selectCell"]
[[["one", "two", "three"], [2, 3, 1]], ["two", ["first", "second", "third"]], ["two", 1, 3], ["two", ["fourth", "fifth", "sixth"]], ["two", 1], ["two", 2, 2]]
[null, null, "third", null, null, "fifth"]

SQL sql = new SQL(["one", "two", "three"], [2, 3, 1]); // creates three tables.
sql.insertRow("two", ["first", "second", "third"]); // adds a row to the table "two". Its id is 1.
sql.selectCell("two", 1, 3); // return "third", finds the value of the third column in the row with id 1 of the table "two".
sql.insertRow("two", ["fourth", "fifth", "sixth"]); // adds another row to the table "two". Its id is 2.
sql.deleteRow("two", 1); // deletes the first row of the table "two". Note that the second row will still have the id 2.
sql.selectCell("two", 2, 2); // return "fifth", finds the value of the second column in the row with id 2 of the table "two".
class Excel:

    def __init__(self, height: int, width: str):
        ncols = ord(width[0]) - ord('A') + 1
        self.dep = {}
        self.mat = [[0 for _ in range (ncols)] for _ in range (height)]

    def set(self, row: int, column: str, val: int) -> None:
        col = ord(column[0]) - ord('A') 
        self.mat [row -1][col] = val
        if (row-1, col) in self.dep:
            del self.dep [(row-1, col)]

    def get(self, row: int, column: str) -> int:
        col = ord(column[0])-ord('A')
        return self.mat[row-1][col]

    def sum(self, row: int, column: str, numbers: List[str]) -> int:
        col = ord(column[0])-ord('A')
        self.dep [(row-1, col)] = []

        for number in numbers:
            if ":" in number:
                cells = self.getCells(number)  
                self.dep[(row - 1, col)].extend(cells)
                r, c = self.cell2rowCol(number)
                self.dep[(row - 1, col)].append((r, c))
        return self.get(row, column)
    def cell2rowCol(self, cell:str):
        row = int(cell[1:])-1
        col = ord(cell[0])-ord('A')
        return row, col

    def getCells(self, range_str:str):
        start, end = range_str.split(':')
        srow, scol = self.cell2rowCol(start)
        erow, ecol = self.cell2rowCol (end)
        cells = [(r, c) for r in range(srow, erow + 1) for c in range(scol, ecol + 1)]
        return cells
    def dfs (self, row, col):
        if (row, col) not in self.dep:
            return self.mat[row][col]
        total = 0
        for r, c in self.dep[(row, col)]:
            total += self.dfs (r, c)
        return total

    def recalc (self):
        for row, col in self.dep:
            value = self.dfs(row, col)
            self.mat[row][col] = value

# Your Excel object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = Excel(height, width)
# obj.set(row,column,val)
# param_2 = obj.get(row,column)
# param_3 = obj.sum(row,column,numbers)
  1. Longest Increasing Subsequence

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class Solution:
    def lengthOfLIS(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        dp = [1] * len(nums)
        for i in range (1, len(nums)):
            for j in range (i):
                if nums[i]>nums[j]:
                    dp[i] = max(dp[i], dp[j]+1)

        return max(dp)